Empty leg flights (sometimes referred to as dead legs) are private jets flying without passengers. This usually occurs when a jet arrives with passengers at a destination and returns to its origin “empty”, or when it flies “empty” to pick up passengers at another destination. If you are prepared to be flexible, an empty leg flight may be an excellent way of getting access to private jet travel.
Our innovative empty leg system optimises existing empty legs by diverting the private jet to your destination, en route to its final destination to which it has been booked. This maximizes efficiency while allowing the smart traveller to charter a private jet at a discounted price. A smart traveller booking wisely could save up to 75% on the cost of chartering a private jet.
The team at Private Jet Charter, we are committed to helping the way in which we communicate empty leg availability to our clients. With a worldwide network of over 8,000 private jet aircraft, we’ve got access to a large variety of the most competitive empty legs on the market.
Our in-house empty leg monitor will alert us to any possible matches to your chosen destination.
Request a flight quote from Private Jet Charter and find out for yourself what sets us apart from the rest. Call us on +6281-8024-888-83 and speak to one of our charter team for more information.